Response to Intervention

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 Department of Student Services
What is Response to Intervention?
RtI, or Response to Intervention, integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems.  In other words, RtI allows schools to monitor and address your child’s learning and behavioral needs in real time in order to prevent poor learning outcomes. With RtI, schools identify students at risk for poor outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions, and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions based on whether students are making progress toward their end-of-year goals or need additional support. In addition, RtI may be used as part of the determination process for identifying students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities.
  • legalOSERS reminds SEAs and LEAs about previous guidance regarding the use of MTSS, including RTI, and timely evaluations, specifically that a parent may request an initial evaluation at any time to determine if a child is a child with a disability under IDEA (34 CFR §300.301(b)), and the use of MTSS, such as RTI, may not be used to delay or deny a full and individual evaluation under 34 CFR §§300.304-300.311 of a child suspected of having a disability.
  • Participation or lack of participation in RtI CANNOT be the reason for denying or delaying an initial evaluation for Section 504 or Special Education Services. If you suspect your child has a disability, you may submit a written request to the campus for an evaluation.
  • Under 34 CFR §300.307(a)(2)-(3), as part of their criteria for determining whether a child has a specific learning disability, states must permit the use of a process based on the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention, and may permit the use of other alternative research-based procedures in making this determination
  • Prior to referral, students experiencing difficulty in the general classroom should be considered for all support services available to all students, such as tutorial; remedial; compensatory; response to evidence-based intervention; and other academic or behavior support services.
  • If the student continues to experience difficulty in the general classroom after the provision of interventions, district personnel must refer the student for a full individual and initial evaluation.
Students experiencing difficulty in the general classroom should be considered for all support services available to all students . . .." It does not state that the student must receive these supports. If the student receives general education support services, and if the student continues to struggle, then the student must be referred for a full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE). But, at any time, if a student is suspected of having a disability and needing special education services, the student must be referred for an FIIE.
  • Referral for a full individual and initial evaluation may be initiated by school personnel, the student's parents or legal guardian, or another person involved in the education or care of the student.
  • Referral of students for a full individual and initial evaluation for possible special education services must be a part of the district's overall, general education referral or screening system.
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