

Texas School Law provides that a person who is at least five years of age and under 21 years of age is entitled to the benefits of a public school education. The child must reside within the school district boundaries. Homeless students may attend the school that the parent determines will provide the best stability for the child.

The Board of Trustees may require evidence that the child is eligible to attend school in the district. Proof of residency should be provided such as utility bills. The school district may make reasonable inquiries to verify a person's residence.

Requirements For Enrollment

Upon requesting enrollment in a school district, the parent or guardian shall provide the following documents


(1) Child's Birth Certificate
(2) Immunization Records
(3) Copy of the child's previous school records.


A child must be enrolled by the the parent or guardian. The school district is required to record the name, address, and date of birth of the person enrolling a child. Any person who enrolls a child by furnishing false documents or false records commits an offense under Section 37.10, Penal Code, and is liable for tuition or costs under Section 25.001.